domenica 3 agosto 2008

the sky in the sea

oggi lori si è dilettato nel fare foto artistiche a blacks beach... ovviamente dopo 2 ore di surf...

questa cmq è davvero bella!!!

2 commenti:

norio ha detto...

OH・・・・! Paradice
i want to sarf. maybe you don`t believe,but when i was in japan,i was serfer.(^^ゞ
 And few days ago,Italian woman came to my class. she came from near MILANO too. she is also very funny. I talked to her about you.
Did you send a new assassin from your country? (what is your city?Maybe same.)I cannot end while defeated at Italy. As a representative of Japan(^_^;) we decide to fight on every friday.
when you come back here,i will introduce her!! Bye!!!!!

Anonimo ha detto...

si concordo.. una foto fatta molto bene. anche te elo sei molto migliorata, brava!!!